3.31 提车
4.08 验车
4.11 上牌
4.14 贴膜
4.19 蹭右前轮毂
4.22 刮车漆
5.25 违停罚款贰佰(首违警告)
7.23 补胎(60) 二补
7.27 违停罚款贰佰(视频教育免罚)
8.09 第一次上高速
9.20 侧方蹭右后轮毂
11.16 违停罚款贰佰
3.31 提车
4.08 验车
4.11 上牌
4.14 贴膜
4.19 蹭右前轮毂
4.22 刮车漆
5.25 违停罚款贰佰(首违警告)
7.23 补胎(60) 二补
7.27 违停罚款贰佰(视频教育免罚)
8.09 第一次上高速
9.20 侧方蹭右后轮毂
11.16 违停罚款贰佰
While there is life there is hope.
Put up or shut up.
good good study,day day up
people mountain,people sea
funny mud pee
right your mother right
blue sky big old grandpa
No care three seven two ten one
Make my heart peng peng peng
What do you call a deer with no eye? (No eye deer)
I only know 25 letters of the alphabet (I don't know Y)
Why is “dark” is spelled with a “k” not a “c”? (Because you can’t c (see) in the dark)
连接:mysql -u UserName -p
创建数据库:create database DatabaseName;
删除数据库:drop database DatabaseName;
查看数据库列表:show databases;
选择数据库:use DatabaseName;
显示表:show tables;
表结构:describe TabelName;
表数目:select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='DatabaseName';
查看权限:select * from mysql.user where user='UserName'\G
查看权限:show grants for UserName@host;
查询用户:select user,host from mysql.user;
授权所有权限:grant all privileges on DatabaseName.* to UserName@host identified by 'password';